Important News!!!!
Apparently, some media outlets feel that it is imperative to display a photo of President Bush writing a note about needing a bathroom break. Yes, folks, it is a newsworthy event to reveal that President Bush actually has normal biological functions!
Never mind (off the top of my head):
Katrina disaster relief and what went wrong in the disaster response
A judicial confirmation hearing (ok silly Democraps on the Judiciary committee knock that one down a few notches)
Palestinian violence in Gaza
succesful military operations in Iraq
Iraq constitution taking shape and being readied for popular vote
Oil for food scandal still percolating
Able Danger still being blown off by 9-11 commission
Flight 93 memorial using a Crescent
CAIR faking photos
Next news flash:
President Bush also farts and sometimes they are silent but deadly. This one may require several special news reports and Michael Moore "documentaries".
Never mind (off the top of my head):
Next news flash:
President Bush also farts and sometimes they are silent but deadly. This one may require several special news reports and Michael Moore "documentaries".