I was more informed than Rush Limbaugh! heh
My first reaction when Rush said something today was to think, "duh, who doesn't know that"? The show transcript here and the actual Rush comment that led to that thought bubble:
Remember the call we had yesterday from Pamela, the blogger, who had been to the pro-Israel rally in New York City? She was excited, and I went and looked at her website. And she's a babe.
Imagine that, I knew something before Rush did! ;-)
as I noted here:
She is sharp and no wallflower and more evidence that our side has the hottest women. Hot, as I mean it, being a function not just of exterior beauty but also accompanied by intellect, good values, strength of character and courage. Or, as I am known for saying at times, smart is sexy.
Thanks to Pamela for providing a link to the transcript of Rush's show.
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