In memory of...
My Grandma passed away Monday, February 12, 2007, at the age of 98. You can see a short presentation of her life here, including a lifestory film.
She was wonderful woman and I'll always remember her saying that she prays for me and all her grandchildren almost every time I went to see her.
I was unable to travel to Michigan last weekend after hearing she was on oxygen and these were probably her last days. However, it was a comfort to hear from family that did see her, that somehow, despite not eating food for a week and having organ failure, she managed to have enough energy to be in her chair when they arrived. She recognized people and talked for a bit and then laid down, as she was tired. She never got up again.
I'll miss my Grandma and always cherish her faith and how she strived to be a prayer warrior.
Until we meet again, thank you for the Christian example that you set for us all.
Filed under: Misc.
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